What Outfit Should I Use for Airsoft

What Outfit Should I Use for Airsoft

What should you wear to airsoft games and how?

To play airsoft ways to be prepared with proper gear and clothing, but it does non mean that you need to wear the most exclusive and expensive cloths on the market.

In this guide I will share with you all possibilities that y'all can consider if you are only starting out. I will consider that you might be on a budget and therefore will comprehend everything from the essential gear to the optional ane.

If you are just starting out with airsoft and have been told that you should equip yourself with tons of gear and tactical cloths to participate in the airsoft games, information technology is probably a mere attempt to brand yous spend more money.

Which leads us to the simple question, what actually should you wear to airsoft?

You should wearable eye protection gear at all costs because it is the well-nigh essential piece of a gear, everything else is optional and in fact you may already ain all cloths at dwelling. With time y'all should increase the drove considering before long afterward the first few games y'all will realize that there is a lot of awesome airsoft tactical cloths to wearable out there.

Let'due south movement to the essential cloths and let'southward dig into your locker to run into what yous can use correct now without spending a penny more than you should.

Article of clothing Heart protection commencement

You tin cull between goggles, glasses and masks for mandatory eye protection and I have written a brusk guide to help yous make up one's mind which i is the best pick for y'all.

I do non recommend spending too much coin at first, just you should not be cheap at center protection because this in fact, protects you from the just serious injury that tin happen in airsoft.

With proper eye protection you won't have to worry virtually getting hurt, likewise some bruisers from time to time.

If y'all are inexpensive on heart protection and make up one's mind to buy some cheap glass or plastic protection, it may get shattered in the middle of the game and expose your optics to the incoming BBs.

With good eye protection there are no worries because known brands guarantee the quality and test their products numerous times before they send it to the stores.

 It is recommended to double bank check the eye protection at habitation by shooting at information technology with the airsoft gun, just to exist sure!

Cloths that you may already have in the locker


Most beginners actually bring together their first airsoft experience in a hoody. Everyone has a hoody, information technology is comfortable and provides yous with plenty protection over a whole torso including the neck expanse, ears and head.

Fitness cloths

Fitness cloths are comfortable and do non make you sweat as much as other cloths. In airsoft, you lot will move a lot, then this can certainly be a practiced pick, but deport in mind that it may not perfectly protect you from feeling pain.


Y'all can play airsoft without gloves, simply receiving a shot to the fingertips or duke is extremely annoying. Adept gloves volition reduce such odds from happening.


One of the first things that I recommend are skillful boots. Y'all may already ain some, only in case that you lot do not you should invest into one. Playing in coincidental shoes tin be washed, only can also injure you with time.

Like, if yous run a lot exterior in shoes, you may twist an ankle, but good boots will protect you with stability.

Safety helmet/basebal hat

Any kind of a helmet is welcomed, if yous own a condom helmet you can bring it, but a simple baseball hat will practice the job. If you want to know a chip more than virtually helmets and why they may come up useful you can check my post in this topic here.

Thick trousers

Some people vesture annihilation and exercise not worry about additional protection and I sympathise them. However, whatever thick fabric will help you receive less pain, then if you want to play airsoft in shorties or jeans, become ahead, but be aware of the incoming pain from time to time.

Leather jacket

There is nothing equally thick and protective than a good leather jacket. I personally own multiple leather jackets and vesture them for different occasions. I must state that not a unmarried BB can be felt through it, but I ain thick leather jackets and some people wear the thin and soft leather jackets, therefore not every jacket is the same and some will provide you lot with more protection than others.

When a BB lands on the leather it also makes a prissy audio, so you lot volition non have to worry near accidentally not calling hits.

Old veteran uniform and gear

I take plant a helmet, chest rig and a uniform in the basement. I guess it belonged to my grandpa or to some cousin, simply it was still quite new, then I am not sure whether it was boxing tested at all. In case that you lot tin find some in your basement or perhaps in local pawnshops, such gear can exist used in fields and in instance that you want to play some MilSim event it may be of fifty-fifty greater advantage.

Bee adapt

Okay just kidding, but this could actually work also only like whatsoever protective adapt you may come up with. It is not common to run across people wearing unordinary stuff, but I believe that inventiveness it always a big plus. Imagine wearing a bee arrange in the center of the wintertime, I bet that in that location are no better options for remaining unseen.

The additional gear and cloths that will assistance y'all get better at airsoft

Battle dress uniforms (BDU) and other tactical uniforms

These uniforms are not just good looking and come in many different colors and patents, only are also comfortable and fabricated for real activity.

Tactical gloves

To be honest, all gloves that fit the fingers well and allow you lot to aim and burn a gun are practiced, the only difference with tactical gloves is that they look more badass.

Airsoft helmet

Every bit I have mentioned, helmets are not essential and a simple chapeau or bandana will do it, but there are some cool benefits of helmets.

Airsoft helmets and other paintball or tactical helmets are a good choice if you want to either fit the outfit properly, protect your self additionally or about importantly open some space upward for gadgets such equally the lights and cameras.

My personal reason for wearing a helmet would be to put a GoPro camera on it and tape the games if it were not for the outfit.

As a matter of fact, recording your own game requires a photographic camera set-upwards, it's non that expensive for the moments you can capture.

One day yous may watch the footage of when you were young and battle-ready or y'all may create your youtube channel and get some views of crazy highlights.

Breast rigs/breast plates

The chest rigs or chest plates do non only appear nice, but also provide you lot with tons of functionality.

At beginning you may not demand 1, considering y'all will non own lots of gear anyways, but with time you lot will get more stuff and you will need that precious place.

Imagine wearing 5 magazines and 5 grenades with BBs and a speed loader all in the trouser pockets, very unproductive.

For a clear picture on how many magazines yous'll need for a game you lot will need to tailor information technology towards your play fashion. I have written a guide on it for beginners.

Lower masks/scarves

Lower masks are crawly, but people oftentimes negate their existence for some reason.

I take heard people complaining nigh losing a molar ( it really rarely happens though) or getting a cutting lip after getting hit.

Every person's face is vulnerable to hits because at that place is a lot of soft tissue and the only means to deal with it is either to wear a lower mask or some kind of a scarf.

Lower masks comes with best protection, merely scarves can be used also.

How to reduce the hurting received in airsoft?

As I have stated above, some cloths will provide you with better protection than the other, but to realistically encounter what you actually demand, you should probably first take a game with classic outfit and after that upgrade it.

Some people tolerate pain more than the others and some enjoy it (for some weird reason).

In short, these are the cloths that will assist yous reduce the pain from hurling Bulletin board system.

  • A lower mesh mask
  • A full face mask
  • Thich cloths with long sleeves
  • A cup and a helmet ( if you want to know more than virtually the apply of caps in airsoft you can read my posts where I explain how much are the cups useful and necessary in airsoft battles)

However, do non exist afraid of getting hitting, it does non hurt that much even if you lot become hitting direct on a skin.

The example is that some guns are more powerful than others and the range which you are striking at also matters a lot, and so the final determination is that yous may go a trample or some minor bleedings sometimes if y'all are non properly covered, simply that's information technology.

If you want to know more nigh common airsoft injuries and how dangerous they may be you tin check my post on this topic here.

What should you wear for MilSim and LARP events?

Airsoft MilSim and LARP are the awesome events and it volition require some decent budget in some cases.

The thing with these events is that they are quite unpredictable and everything depends on the thematic of the event.

What to wear for Airsoft MilSim

Airsoft MilSim is based on events that can concluding for days and are based on the idea of a war machine simulation that oftentimes finds place outside of towns, deep in the forest or abandoned places.

Sometimes you may get for a realistic Marine Corps loadout and the other time it may be a Navy Seals or Russian world state of war 2 thematic of the event.

Therefore, you will always wear a different outfit and different gear (guns included) for unlike events.

I have created some ideas for these loadouts, so if you are interested you tin check them.

Some people attend these events often and some people just similar to accept loadouts and outfits of their favorite units and characters for cosplay purposes.

What to habiliment for Airsoft LARP

Live activeness roll playing is a fun idea indeed! It differs from MilSim past the way of ideas that practice non strictly follow the „realistic military machine await" and instead allows you to take a leap into some of your favorite fantasies.

LARP is formed of graphic symbol creation and particular logic that follows its nature. Each participant has its ain office and purpose and only the imagination is the limit.

Therefore, you will hardly programme what to wear for LARPing before you encounter the specific event.

One of my favorite LARP ideas is the post-apocalyptic earth where players change their gear and guns to expect every bit fitting to the world of the post-apocalyptic world every bit possible.

What should y'all article of clothing in cold weather airsoft wars?

To play airsoft during the long cold days yous should clothes up from the feet upwards to the neck and preferably cover the caput as well.

It is not a rocket science to know how to dress for chilly days, only if you take not played airsoft in dank days before and this is your first fourth dimension, yous could easily realize that you have committed some bones mistakes.

People often think that they have dressed upward properly to endure such weather, simply they do not calculate the atmospheric condition they volition detect themselves under in one case they stride outside.

I am talking most people non being prepared to accidentally footstep into a mud or a puddle or even worse which is the case with airsoft, to take a cover at and prevarication downward under such weather.

You may autumn, yous may crawl, no matters what it is always expect to get wet and to get muddied if y'all play exterior.

CQB fields are way ameliorate at this, but the big halls and buildings made out of physical tin can easily accumulate the cold and send it right throughout your spin.

Thick Socks, proper boots, scarf, hat and dry cloths

This is the killer philharmonic for chilly airsoft days.

To get prepared properly, wear double or very thick socks and solid and loftier quality boots that can sustain such conditions.

The common cold kickoff hits the anxiety and and then advances.

Take some cloths in accelerate in a purse in case that you lot get wet, then you lot can replace it with the dry i and do not forget to take a scarf and a comfy hat.

Warm drinks and h2o

Sometimes the fields organize this part, simply in case they practise not you should think virtually it and bring a thermos with warm coffee or a tea.

You do not have to warm the water, merely keep in mind that the winter may confuse you into thinking that you are well hydrated, when in fact you lot are not.

This is due to the fact that you may sweat a lot, but not discover it due to the cold and because humans are more likely to notice that they need to drink more for refreshment (which is a instance during a summer) than for an actual operation of their body.

Simply frequently drinkable water and information technology will brand your trunk sustain the common cold style better.

What should you wear for airsoft in hot weather?

Dry summer nature

The summer days are here and the sun strikes us from above with the hellish just yet beautiful rays, Nosotros all waited for it because the winter that lasts likewise long makes us depressive, even so what are nosotros supposed to do to continue ourselves fresh to play airsoft? It is a must that nosotros adapt to information technology using sure techniques and clothes. I was making mistakes that would proceed me all days at home and barely make me to get outside on the beautiful summer days before, simply then I changed a thing and two and all of a sudden I tin can sustain the rut pretty well those days.

What is the recipe for summer airsoft playing?

Wear recommended cloths that volition protect you against BBs but even so let your pare breath, drinkable lots of h2o, remove whatever excessive gear that y'all do not need, cull a field if yous can and be aware of your health conditions if you have any.

Lots,lots of h2o and more

This is surely the well-nigh recommended tip told past everyone including doctors, players, friends, mothers even carpenters. All the same, I nevertheless see that virtually people do not drink enough water although they think that they do. The amount of water you should take varies non only from the temperature simply also on your weight, cloths, distances you have walked, the step of the walking or running and so on.

Therefore equally surprising information technology may sound, most people are chronically dehydrated and they are not fifty-fifty realizing it, as a thing of fact I am probably dehydrated as well while I am writing this.

Drink more than than what you retrieve you demand and you volition deal with dangers of hot days quite well, this is peculiarly important if yous have other health conditions but if you play oft while dehydrated information technology certainly amercement your body. Problems with kidneys and headaches are just one of such health issues.

Then, bring at least a gallon of water to the field if y'all determine to play whole day and ever drink more than what yous feel that you need. When you bring lots of h2o on the field you lot may also help the others who were not the smartest and did not bring their own. In that location are always such people who will rather bring energy drinks than h2o and and so complain about dizziness.

In guild to help you with this I recommend yous to employ water reservoirs and bags that come up with straws, you can concur them in a bag on your dorsum or put information technology in a chest rig. This is very useful because if all you have to do to drink is to achieve for the harbinger you are going to have easy time staying hydrated, reaching a bottle is often a chip more of a work specially in the middle of the game. One of such water devices can be found in many stores and they are cheap, you lot can check out the toll on Amazon hither.

Being well hydrated will also help yous with aim, patience and reflexes.

Do not forget virtually minerals

Staying hydrated does non just mean drinking lots of h2o, equally a matter of fact people oft make this error and but drink water without a business concern about electrolytes. Your body needs a good corporeality of minerals and water to stay healthy and hydrated, if y'all break the balance you may still experience bug. If you do not want to faint in the heart of the field on a sunny day be certain that you eat minerals rich food or accept supplements similar magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium.

Wear Gainsay and nether armour shirts

Now, this is something that you are looking for. You probably do non have annihilation at your home that is specially designed for surviving the hot environments like armed forces guys practice. The flim-flam with these shirts is that they are designed specifically for that purpose, they cover your trunk in a smart way by providing y'all enough pockets to make full the stuff into, often come with elbow pads installed and then they practice non slip and most importantly the fabric prevents the aggregating of wet on pare. This textile dries extremely quick and is a slap-up pick for other seasons every bit well, it will not protect you only from your own sweat but also from the rain. You can check out the price on Amazon here.

I find to tolerate thick pants on both summer and winter then, I do non change the pants because like the protection and feeling that comes from the thick textile and therefore I call back that the pants are not a problem, just wear what you have and know that volition comfortable or get some if yous do not have any.

The 2d pick, a flake less mutual amongst players just also effective and my favorite is to wear nether armour shirts. I adopt them for any situation during leap and summer, they too have the special textile that prevents wet from accumulating but also embrace less of your trunk and thus make it extremely fresh to wear. The downside is that they cover less and you may experience a chip more pain but Bbs to the body do not hurt that much, unless someone shoots you with loftier velocity guns at very shut distances. The price is very cheap and this shirts are a adept selection for winter season too, you can check out the price on Amazon here.

Bonus tip: Clothing under armour shirts if you lot want to evidence off your physic, if you exercise not look like Rambo exist aware that the shirt won't change that neither.

Embrace your head

Y'all should forget near helmets and full confront masks on summertime days, they sweat extensively and are only a good selection when playing in fall, wintertime and early leap fourth dimension, although they can be used for CQB the whole year long and are a bang-up option for it.

Helmets and full face masks first sweating and accumulating the oestrus sooner than y'all may expect it and even if you movement to the shadows, the heat and sweat will remain on your head, you want to avoid this.

So, the solution is any baseball chapeau that covers your eyes and confront from the sun or whatever lite hat that is congenital from cloth or leather and does not incorporate polymer or metal. You can wear a cowboy hat and look cool in it, they practise a great job protecting yous from the sun besides.

If you exercise not like hats that you tin merely take a bandana or whatsoever like piece of cloth and roll it effectually your head. The play a joke on you tin do with them is too soak them in h2o earlier you put it on your head if yous want that cooling effect to be present while you play.

Any you choose to put on your head merely be aware that the reason why nosotros are roofing heads is to protect it from directly sun rays that can otherwise hurt you and cause sunstroke. Sun strokes are a common problem in warm states because people often forget that they are spending too much time on the sun and the head remembers every sun ray. You lot tin can find the one y'all similar on Amazon here.

Embrace your skin

If you lot decide to roll upwards your sleeves or forget to cover some parts like a neck and face y'all may get sun burns. If yous habiliment a hat and war machine style shirts that have the coverage for the neck you volition probably only accept to worry about your arms. You tin simply use whatever good sun cream and information technology will do the job.

Information technology is recommended that yous wear a lower mesh face up mask so your face remains protected and the mesh is a great pick because information technology does non sweat and the air passes through it quite well. Bear in mind that mesh goggles are not acceptable.

Advantage of cover-up during summer

This is the best time of the year for chameleons and airsoft players, If you are a sniper than you lot will particularly benefit from this but even if yous play whatsoever other role y'all volition still want to have this to your advantage. Spring and summertime bring the colors back in game and yous tin can choose from multifariousness of different combinations and exist creative. A good camouflage is used by armed services and they know how important it is to have advantage of it when playing on open fields and forests.

With good camouflage you lot volition be able to much more than what you lot would imagine at beginning, it merely takes some practice and you volition be striking the enemy team earlier they discover you. This is also one of the nigh entertaining sides of airsoft considering y'all tin really take it on another level and have so much fun with this.

Tip: Analyse the field where you lot play and run into what are the colors that appear the most, it will probably exist green and you will want to blend it with black. If it is any other colour y'all are yet going to blend information technology with black. The black color is not found anywhere in nature and you are not playing on nights, however homo brain confuses it for shadows and if you put it advisedly on your face or body you will nigh probable avoid being spotted unless you evidence off your new shiny teeth.

Minimize the gear you bring to reduce the estrus

You can utilise a chest rig to fill the stuff you demand, it provides you lot with plenty slots for everything you lot need on the field. Some players bear the gear they do not need and often will choose lots of food they would not eat anyways and soda drinks instead of h2o.

Exist smart and carry less, yous only need mags and BBs, water, maybe a grenade and guns. Weight really adds upwards to the amount of sweat that your body produces.

Beware of insects

Insects are quite surprising sometimes, you do not await them and exercise not think about them just they are there and are waiting for you lot to prove upwardly. Summer is exactly the time of the year when insects come for their piece of cake and yous should call up well-nigh using some anti-musquito balm and like stuff, they are cheap and piece of work considering that you can apply them to the skin before the match and will probably last for the solar day.

Know the field

You could go naked and without weapons and yet win games if you lot would but have the advantage of knowing the field. In this case if you know the spots and routes where the sun does not bother players, you volition have easy time. In case of a very bright and stiff sunday endeavor not to face up it and ever look for spots that let y'all to practice and so.

If y'all tin stay in shadows for majority of the game you lot will need less water and will take better time.

What Outfit Should I Use for Airsoft

Posted by: garrettseemorger.blogspot.com

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